Friday 20 September 2024

Fall Equinox 2024

 Welcome to a time of balance, in the constantly changing world I love the dance - going from light to darkness knowing we'll return to light

Ganesh - Ruth Ann Howden 

14" x 11"

Mixed Media painting / mono print 

(this is the only piece of my artwork - original title: Winter Yearning - that I've saved from before my travels and move to Hawaii. It has place of honor on my glass desk and keeps watch over my whimsy.)

See my older artwork at:

On June 20, I endured a focused ultrasound procedure that cured the essential tremor in my left hand. Miraculous!

For the procedure, my hair was shaved off  – I do not have a beautiful skull, but I do have some lovely scarves. Of course my hair is growing back in, and with a natural mohawk. Who would've guessed…

self portrait, pencil, 8x10"

 August 2024

Yes, the right eye was drooping. Just as I was recovering from the ultrasound, the retina in my right eye detached and there I was  back at Queens Hospital for more surgery. They were successful with the reattachment, but I am still recovering from that experience. It just takes time . . . at least my eye looks

Sip of Respair 

Yikes, I've been getting old for a long time

These last chapters

seem to be about accepting loss, 

practicing patience, and learning to ask for help

Trying to be a good custodian

Of this frail, shrinking body -

letting go by sitting in silence

Keeping the ability to laugh is 

my vow to the end, and

my sip of respair 

A few haiku

tiny web of words 

capture unique direction 

I write and release

Words paint images 

images beg for more words 

what is a haiku

daily ritual 

haiku as meditation 

words or images

A haiku a day

Leads out of fog into light

The path familiar

Keeping your silence

As a means of survival

has no guarantee

Push and pull the words

Nothing seems to be working 


Another haiku

Playful arrangements appear

Push and pull the words

And small selection of visual haiku

by Ruth Ann Howden

4 x 6", collage and ink

on card stock

The Queen of Good Intentions

If you can recall something I said I would do, 

but obviously have not done. 

You might as well forget it, as apparently I have -

And does it matter…

we've managed without, it seems

But the problem is mine, I like to believe that I am a person 

who does what she says she will do. 

In my self image, I keep my promises

Yet I feel I've missed something

The Queen of Good Intentions is often distracted

   I now give my attention to the rare gift of another day.

1 comment:

  1. The Queen of Good Intentions has a princess in me! Your rare gift of another day is filling my good intentions cup to the brim. Visual haiku uses such creative elegance. You have given me must to contemplate this morning. Thanks. And the mohawk, an outward view of the powerful woman inside.
