Tuesday, 18 August 2020

fall equinox 2020 - sunrise photos from Kaunakakai wharf

 We might agree this is today 

But I’m not sure.

Yesterday and someday are lost

The feeling of Monday is certainly gone

Monday was full of expectation, energy

Another day came and left

This day or that day

Having only the now, and forced

Meditation on impermanence.

what expectations 

from others, or from myself 

nothing / everything

Do I live by expectations – – even when nothing is expected of me, 

even when I expect nothing of myself, much less expect anything from the world

Lock-down closes paths

It seems there is only one way left

Leading directly to the end

Lessons learned from air travel:

1. During most of the flight, the plane is auto correcting to get back on course

2. If oxygen masks drop, put your own on first before attempting to help others

3. The exit may be behind you

4. It is a very small, beautiful world

Lessons learned from road trips:

1. Perfect time to sit with thoughts

2. Changes can come fast

3. Planning may or may not help

4. Movement seems faster closer to the ground

Lessons learned from walking:

1. Pay attention

2. When watching birds stop walking

3. The world changes every day

4. We are a part of the world

In  What Are We Doing Here? Essays by Marilynne Robinson, she wrote:
Early American historiography is for the most part a toxic compound of cynicism and cliche, so false that it falsifies by implication the history of the western world. To create a history answerable to the truth would be a gift of clarity, sanity, and purpose. The great freedom of conscience would be its Liberation from our own cynicism, conventionalism, and narrowness of vision. 

I’ve had a lot of time in the last six months to read and to think. And my only conclusion is that we collectively have made a terrible mess of things. I have also found there are a lot of brilliant minds out there and that gives hope for a positive outcome, but the odds are not good. We do not seem to learn the lessons. 


  1. For me, this time of pandemic has been interesting ~ in that I have slowed down enough to pay attention to my life. Come to understand what I do not need. What I actually want. At seemingly loose ends, able to choose at any moment what I will do, I find myself doing the simplest of things, and enjoying it. Like you, I have pondered on how nothing in the world, in history, in humankind, changes. Reading the ancient books of every culture reveals the same patterns, rich, poor, downtrodden, uplifted, miracles, life, stampeding armies, unequal distribution of resources - resourceful people coming up with a solution, many under different names trying to help - apostles, missionaries, civil rights and suffragette activists, many others turning a blind eye and continuing to do nothing to help or worse, doing evil ~ The stories throughout history are the same. Comes round to settling into some understanding that, for me, what I want to do with my one, short, life, what is left of it, is to breathe in each day, enjoy the morning, afternoon and evening of it, cool water while I still have, quiet walks, while I can still walk, drink a glass of nice wine while I can afford it and taste it, have gentle conversation with people of like spirit and mind ~ listen to or create music as long as I am able to. I choose not to let the ugliness in this world turn me from the gift of life that I have received. I appreciate you, RuthAnn - you cause me to write down what I am thinking. You continue to produce art, beauty, in many forms. Love you, Claudia

  2. Ah yes! I love your thoughts! Thank you for sharing them in such a creative way. Connecting with them, I feel like I've shared some life with you. See you soon!
