Return to
the Central Pacific
I share that universal reaction, now
that I have a home: it is such a pleasure to return.
Admittedly, when I'm traveling I want
to keep going, see what is over the next ridge; check out another city.
Family and friends make me welcome;
tell me I'm looking well.
Keeping connections, long-term, takes
an effort both joyful and sad.
Finances and energy levels demand I
stop. Mixed blessing. I've done what I could, then let go.
Return to Molokai is sweet. Flying into
Honolulu from San Francisco is swift. Seeing my island home from the
air gave me a rush, I wanted to point it out to everyone around,
'That's my home. It looks just like the map – rather like a fish.
It's so clear from up here.'
yes, a pleasure to return.
[canoe race finish line]
Four years ago I said I would return
to Oregon to see the solar eclipse. And that I did. In August I viewed
the eclipse in Lebanon, OR. (east of Corvallis on the South Santiam
River). It was a classic celestial event, the slow awareness of
change, the suspension of reality during totality with beautiful
aurora, then sudden diamond ring glint as the earth keeps turning and
the shadow passes on. Being the type of person who watches the
credits after a film, I had to wait until the sun was whole again
before I would leave.
Previous to that major event I had been
in Hood River visiting my older sister Lorraine and her family. Here
are my shots of Mt. Hood and Multnomah Falls. This is the area of the
Columbia River Gorge that is being devastated by the Eagle Creek
fire. The old lodge at the falls was saved, but it's not over yet. As of Sept 19th rain has come and outlook is now much better.

I spent a week in Eugene visiting long
time friends and getting quality time with my son Nat and his partner
Brandi. He does computer 'stuff' and she makes fantastic wrapped wire
jewelry. They arranged time off from jobs and we spent a beautiful
long weekend at Newport on the coast. I had the Oscar Wilde room at
the Sylvia Beach Hotel where they serve hot mulled wine at night in
the library. Ah, indulgences...

I must mention my detour to Powell's
Bookstore in Portland; a book-lovers heaven. I came out with only two
books (travel light) plus a free shipping coupon! Then returning the
rental car to Portland airport I found my way to San Jose in less than two hours. There I stayed with Carolyn, a dear friend I've
known since the 1960's. We worked together in Los Angeles and then
were neighbors in New York City; lots of wonderful memories shared.
She has consistently inspired and encouraged me over the years.
My next jaunt by Cal-train, BART and
bus got me up to Healdsburg north of Santa Rosa, for a pleasant visit
with my younger sister Ellen and her family which increased since I
was last there with the addition of her new grandson. The fierce heat
and smoky sky kept us indoors while we shared old photos. I brought
some from our other sister in Oregon;
[mother, older sister & me early 1940's; younger sister & me early 1960's; mother, me & Nat - 2nd b'day]
The heat limited our usual walking
around but we did go to the Armstrong Redwood Grove just outside
Guerneville in the coast range to walk among the magic. The time span
(1400 years) and size of those trees (300') puts me in different
Old, large, lovely,
Impressive trees.
Non bending, non-burning Redwoods
capture the sky and keep it anchored to the Earth.
We stand in awe.
My last adventure was a day in San
Francisco. I walked around the Castro district and attended a San
Francisco Mime Troupe performance in Deloris Park; their production
of Walls. The SFMT does political, musical satire, a longtime
institution in the Bay Area.

Then the circle was completed as I
reclaimed the peace and clean air of home.
My sincere thanks to those who shared
this adventure with me, and apologies to all those I did not get to
see. You are not forgotten.
Love the photos. The waterfall & those trees! Glad you had a nice time. Aloha!