Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Spring Equinox 2018

Spring Equinox Blog

Only six minutes late this March 20th, it's officially the first day of spring but here in Hawaii the day is already six minutes longer than the night. Happy Springtime!

Starting with my New Year Haiku, here is a little collection of poems I've written this year:

twenty seventeen
turns eighteen, indifferent
spinning world dares me

players all in life
thinking we know the script
wait - surprise finish

timing the empty
spaces, sure to be claimed by
regret or desire

yes, red is lucky,
three of anything also
good, like a haiku

all that I learned by
not speaking was the issue
for me to confront

later speaking, all
I learned was depth of anger
yet to parcel out

twenty-six letters
combined and recombined
endless my delight

tentative text waits -
ideas, words meander
seeking bold reveal

rapid ideas 
vaporizing faster, gone 
with single misstep

pure innocence - some
love because, some in-spite of,
while others just love

as a mayfly turns 
languidly with a thin breeze
my life expended

life is good in Molokai