As the days approach balance with the nights I find a calm interlude to give thanks and appreciate all my lucky stars. The universe is abundant.
I have accumulated an abundance of haiku. My goal this summer was to write one a day; some days I got carried away spewing them out. I’ve gathered about three dozen into a little chapbook titled
“A Scattering of Haiku”.
Here are a few new haiku:
Haiku syllables
five, seven, five wrap little
gift of awareness
five, seven, five wrap little
gift of awareness
Do nothing each
letting go of time will give
abundance of time
letting go of time will give
abundance of time
Boldness is not
Nor is it rude. To be bold
Is to fill the need
(for Diane, Sept 12, 2016)
Nor is it rude. To be bold
Is to fill the need
(for Diane, Sept 12, 2016)
living life in the moment
it all takes planning
living life in the moment
it all takes planning
And some of my summer
Snatch and pin them down
Words of iridescent hue
Butterfly language
This is my piece work
Selecting and stitching words
Into peaceful web
Words still can create
Mind ships to carry away
Reader to herself
Lamenting his choice
Clockwise or counter-clockwise
Island biker sits